Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone!
So what resolutions have you made? I keep saying I’m not making any but I do really. I’m going to try and eat more healthily, exercise more, create more, network more online but play less online games. There are lots of other little resolutions I’ve made around trying to be less of a night owl, use my slow cooker more, try to get into some routines. This last one will be the hardest for me I think as I really don’t like routines. After working on ‘flexi-time’ for 35 years where I could start and finish work almost whenever I liked, I never got into a routine of getting up and going to work at a particular set time every day. I’ve never had children either so I didn’t need a set routine of doing the washing and ironing at the weekend so the children had clean clothes for the week for school, etc etc. Also I’ve always felt that routines can stifle spontaneity and I like spontaneity πŸ˜‰
I’m not going to stick to the above resolutions (and those I haven’t shared πŸ˜‰ ) in January but I will do from the 1st February and it’s got nothing to do with the fact that I started to write this post on ‘Blue Monday’ (honest). It’s about being on holiday in Malta until the 9th January mainly and that friends from Malta were over here in England from the 12th to the 16th January so eating healthily went out the window and there has been no time for creating. However, there has been plenty of time for shopping so when I do start to create it will be fabulous πŸ™‚
Other news for this week is that I have started to book in events for this new year and one of them I’m really, really excited about – Bolton Comic Con on 1st March. I have lots of creations planned for this jewellery with a film, comic or sci-fi theme and some wall hangings and greetings cards of the Marvel Comics characters.
Iron Man A4 size
Next week I’ll share more details about the events I have planned and lots and lots of photos of my creations so that you can give me feedback (if you’d all be so kind?) Now I must say goodnight and go play some games whilst is still January πŸ˜‰

2 thoughts on “Happy New Year

  1. I haven’t made any resolutions because I suck at keeping them! If I was though, they would be similiar to yours, eat healthy & exercise more! I also need to network more and not get distracted by online games πŸ˜› And any other distractions, because I really am easily distracted!

    I’m sure Comic Con will be great! I’ve heard good things about doing them, over some craft fairs!

    1. I think it’s so so difficult to keep resolutions in January that’s why I’m waiting until February. I’m also doing a Mind, Body and Soul event in Southport on the 1st Feb so a great day on which to start my resolutions πŸ™‚

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